"የእግዚአብሔር መልአክ በሚፈሩት ሰዎች ዙሪያ ይሰፍራል፥
ያድናቸውማል። እግዚአብሔር ቸር እንደ ሆነ ቅመሱ እዩም፤ በእርሱ የሚታመን ሰው ምስጉን ነው።" መዝሙር 33፡7 |
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in him."
Psalm 34: 7 |
Who We Are? |
Saint Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is Non profit organization located in Columbus, OH which abides by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, its teaching and religious regulation with respect to matters of faith, worship and creed.
Our History |
The Church was established by few Ethiopian immigrants as their place of worship to establish and maintain a Church of religious worship in accordance with the teaching of Christianity as adopted by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. read more
የጥምቀት በዓል በክርስትና ሃይማኖት ተከታዮች በተላይም የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በ30 ዓመቱ በፈለገ ዮርዳኖስ በመጥምቁ ዮሐንስ እጅ በዮርዳኖስ ባህር የተጥመቀበትን ዕላት የሚያስታውሰው ኤጵፋንያ በመባልም የሚታወቀው ደማቅ በዓል ነው more.. In 2017, the Ohio state Governor John R. Kasich and
Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor, recognize the first annual Timiket celebration by Saint Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio. |
Our church is located at: 3425 Refugee RD Columbus, OH 43232 |